Planning on retiring?

The first step to retiring is to contact Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) at least 2 - 3 months ahead of time with any questions.
The ASRS website also provides valuable information about planning for retirement including a retirement benefit estimator. Go to ASRS to view all of your information and their helpful videos and walkthroughs.
You can make an appointment with them by calling 520-239-3100.
Located at 4400 E. Broadway Blvd,. Suite 200..
Only ASRS can provide you with all the information you need (i.e. how many points you have) in making your decision to retire. Flowing Wells does not have that information.

The second step is deciding on your insurance options.
If you are currently enrolled in insurance through Flowing Wells, coverage will last until the last day of the month you work in. (example: last day of work is 5/24, coverage ends 5/31)
COBRA continuation coverage for health, dental, and/or vision insurance is available to you for a maximum of 18 months. This coverage will continue the exact same coverage you currently are enrolled in.
You will receive information directly from WEX regarding COBRA coverage. They will mail to your home the documents. You will sign up with them if you are electing to continue coverage. Estimated pricing is listed here.
Please let HR know If you are electing COBRA continuation coverage, a “Health Insurance Premium Benefit Authorization” form will be forwarded to ASRS which will allow them to remit a portion of your premium directly to Flowing Wells. You will be charged for the full COBRA premium as indicated in the COBRA paperwork until ASRS makes a determination of your subsidy. Once the amount is determined, your COBRA premium will be lowered, and you will see the adjusted rate(s) on your WEX account. This usually takes a couple months.
You may enroll in the insurance plans offered by the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS). Please contact them directly for rate information at 520-239-3100. You can also visit their website at to compare rates in the “Retiree Group Insurance Guide."
Contact if you need a Certificate of Coverage to enroll in an insurance plan from another source (e.g., spouse’s insurance, the Health Insurance Marketplace, etc.).

Turn in a Personnel Action Request (PAR) and talk to your Administrator/Supervisor as soon as possible once you decide you are retiring.
Mailing Address: After you leave, you will continue to always have access to Employee Self Service(ESS) where you will be able to download your W-2 Wage and Tax Statement and 1095 forms. Please make sure your address is always current in ESS. If you are unable to log in, please email
Payroll will calculate your final pay. If you have any questions regarding final pay, please direct them to